Space One Eleven
the BOMB
Exhibition Opening
Friday, January 25, 2019
5:30 to 7pm
Exhibition on display through March 1, 2019
Anne Arrasmith Gallery
at Space One Eleven
2407 Second Avenue North
Downtown Birmingham
Free and open to the public
Exhibiting artists: Larry Jens Anderson, Temme Barkin-Leeds, Jim Braude, Sarah Emerson, Tom Ferguson, Richard Mafong, Kieran Barnett Moore, Chris Revelle, Claudia Smigrod, Jonathan Terranova, Brad Thomas/Thomas Gleaner, Mark Vallen, Stephen Wilkes
Space One Eleven has invited artist Larry Jens Anderson to guest curate “the BOMB.” The exhibition explores ways artists have been processing this subject as a response to historic and current events. It is by using camp humor, plays on words, ironic twists and other creative methodologies that these artists have arrived at images.
Born two years after the atomic bombs were dropped in Japan, Anderson grew up in the age of “duck and cover” and bomb shelters. Anderson notes that in his adulthood, he is now concerned about suicide bombers, IEDs, school bombings, who has a nuclear bomb and the fact they should not have one, and that his concern of this daily news is not unique to him.
The exhibition will be on display through March 1, 2019.
Larry Jens Anderson was born and lived his first eighteen years in the rural community of Randall, Kansas—population seventy-five. Anderson is retired from teaching art in Atlanta colleges for over 30 years, SCAD Atlanta for 6 years and the Atlanta College of Art before that. Along with his teaching, he has exhibited extensively. His drawings, paintings, videos, and installations touching on human rights issues have been exhibited in such important institutions as the National Museum of Australia, is in the Museum of Modern Art’s book collection, and are included in such local collections as the High Museum of Art plus the Museum of Contemporary Art of Georgia. In addition to his career as an artist and instructor, Anderson was a founding member of the artist collective, TABOO.
Space One Eleven is supported, in part, by the Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, the National Endowment for the Arts, and the Alabama State Council on the Arts. Additional support comes from Space One Eleven’s Board of Directors, friends of Space One Eleven, corporate and individual donors and volunteers.