Rachel Bates

Drawn Together, 35th Anniversary Exhibition I

DizzyNeedle’s portrait, Together, expresses the joy of a couple and the bond between them. A candid moment reveals the true heart of the relationship. By transforming the clothing and the brightening of the lips, the artist celebrates the laughter and joy they feel. Textiles are appliqued and embellished with paint and ink.

DizzyNeedle is textile and fiber art created by Rachel Bates. She is a 24-year resident of Alabama, married, and a mother of two adult sons. Raised in a creative family, Rachel became an experienced fiber and textile artisan. The influence of the Alabama art community led her to develop her skills and create quilted art.

Exhibits include the pop-up East Lake Artist Village, The Living Room curated by Celeste Pfau, and several Space One Eleven Artist/Teacher and Student Exhibits. Currently, she is participating in art festivals in various Alabama cities.

Space One Eleven Involvement: CCA Teaching Artist Summer 2016, 2017, 2019, 2021