59th Street Stories: The Ways of the Folk

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Window Exhibition:

Sacred Grove, Tony Bingham

September 9 – February 28, 2017

Exhibiting Artists:
Tony Bingham

59th Street is located in a traditionally African American community in Fairfield, Alabama. This is the neighborhood of Miles College, a Historically Black College where Bingham has taught for over ten years. In this small community, side by side with the college, traditional rural practices are still thriving, and people have memories of older ways and times. For a decade, Bingham has visited with the folk of 59th Street, documenting their gardens, yard displays, quilts, old photographs, and mostly their stories, creating works of art inspired by those experiences.

The works in this installation are composed of several media- pinhole photography, film, sculpture, and works on paper. Each medium and material is conceptually tied to the cultures and traditions of African American people, and this body of work is presented in honor of the folk of 59th Street.