Group Exhibition
February 9 – May 9, 2014
Exhibiting Artists:
Pinky Bass, Derek Cracco, Darin Forehand, Jane Marshall, John Northrop, Sonja Rieger, Mary Ann Sampson, Melissa Springer, Scott Stephens, Erin Wright
Multiple Methods: A Print Exhibition; From traditional printmaking processes to digitally derived art, this exhibition explores how artists are using the print process to produce their work.
As part of Multiple Methods, SOE exhibited the works of artists participating in a Lithography Workshop led by Darin Forehand. Forehand is a Master Printer from Houston who is leading the artists in a 2 ½ day long workshop at SOE. Artists had the opportunity to print on an 1860 French lithography press during the workshop and demonstrate the lithography printing process during the opening exhibition of Multiple Methods.
Students of SOE’s City Center Art program were introduced to the printmaking process by artist and UAB Professor Derek Cracco, who instructed them in the making of collagraphs. These young artists proudly showed their work as part of this exhibition.