Scott Fuller

Relationships, 2012

I remember when Toni and I agreed to co-chair the annual Art Auction for the Birmingham Art Association in 1980. The event was held outside (for the first and only time) in the courtyard of (what was then called) the Brookwood Metroplex (above what will soon be a Target). Since it took place 30+ years ago, specifics about the event are a bit vague BUT I don’t think it rained. What I DO remember about Toni were the great conversations on all kinds of subjects that would take place about 20 years later, when she would call requesting help with her Mac. As today, I was working at that point primarily as a graphic designer, and Toni was interested in using the latest technology with regards to printing to silk, but she and her computer didn’t see “eye-to-eye” and she would call to see if I might be able to figure out what was going on. I will always remember her as a great lady … A great artist … And a dear friend.