Temme Barkin-Leeds

the BOMB, 2019

BLOW-UP is one of many socially-conscious pieces which make up the body of my career as a practicing artist. From the time I went back to making art as a serious professional endeavor, one of my then mentors, Benny Andrews, said to me, “If you are going to make art, have something to say.” I have attempted to follow that advice from dealing with the crisis in Darfur, to reacting to violent “shooter” video games, or responding to the current political climate.

This work was made some time after the events of 9/11, and while the date is listed as 2001, it was probably a delayed reaction made a bit later and maybe as late as more recent days. The image could just as likely show a reaction to the war in Afghanistan or the Sandy Hook shootings.

I attempt to raise awareness of events and situations and highlight real world reactions to them.

Temme Barkin-Leeds artwork from the BOMB
Graphite, watercolor, and gouache on paper