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“Affect + Action”, essay by Jessica Dallow, Ph.D.
September 8 – December 29, 2017
Exhibiting Artists: Catherine Cabaniss, Beverly Erdreich, Rosa Naday Garmendia, Melanie Grinney, Celestia Morgan, Miriam Omura, L.A. Watson
Women with their Work was a series of all-women group art exhibitions, co-curated by Jessica Dallow, Ph.D and Peter Prinz. The first group exhibition, Women and their Work I: Affect + Action opened Friday, September 8 from 5:30 to 7pm; artists addressed social issues ranging from institutionalized racism, water pollution, the atrocities of war, and the subjugation of female bodies (human and nonhuman) in a panel discussion. Artists in the exhibition were Catherine Cabaniss, Beverly Erdreich, Melanie Grinney, Celestia Morgan, and Miriam Omura of Birmingham; Miami artist Rosa Naday Garmendia; and L.A. Watson of Frankfort, Kentucky.